Many individuals and organizations support Guilford County Schools by volunteering with GEA. Whatever your availability, interest or talent, we can plug you in and get you started

Ongoing opportunities include:
Volunteer in the Teacher Supply Warehouse: Help teachers shop. Re-stock shelves. Inventory donations. It’s an easy way to make an immediate impact either as an individual or as part of a group or organization.
Volunteer in a Classroom: Through our yearly events like Principal for a Day and Community Reader Days, GEA brings the community into GCS classrooms.
Host a Supply Drive: This is an easy way to make a big impact. We’ll provide the collection box and materials to help you get started. You spread the word and collect the supplies. Supply drives help us keep the shelves of the Warehouse stocked with the items that educators need most. Email us to get started!
Help in the Office: Enjoy number or data entry? Have a special skill that you would like to share? We can use you! Just let us know what your interest is on the form below and we will put you to work!

Voices shape policy. By joining our voices, we can make sure elected officials at the local and state level know that education is important in Guilford County.
There are easy ways that you can advocate for our public schools:
Subscribe to GEA’s eblasts and enewsletter. GEA curates local, state and national educational news in an easy-to-read format to keep you informed. Click here to subscribe!
Attend a Get Smart session – in-person or via Zoom. Or host a session at your civic club, house of faith, workplace or any other place community members gather. Hear from local and state educational experts as we explore timely issues together. A well-informed community can successfully advocate for all of its students. To learn more about scheduling a Let’s Talk Education session, contact us here.
Write a letter to the editor in support of our public schools. Make sure elected officials and policy makers know that education is important to Guilford County.
Call, email or write your school board, County Commissioners or state representative when education issues come up for vote. Voices shape policy. Make sure Guilford County’s voice is clearly heard and the message is clear: Public education is important in Guilford County.