Facts matter. GEA is committed to providing research-based data on the critical issues shaping education policy and practice in Guilford County. When we are guided by  objective data, we can effectively advocate for all children. GEA’s Did You Know series seeks to provide the community with digestible bites of data that can be shared so education advocates are equipped with the information needed to build a realistic narrative about our schools and education.

To access sharable graphics and videos on each topic, click the links below. If you have questions about any of the data shared or would like to explore topics other than those listed here, please contact Karen Hornfeck at [email protected].

GCS School-Based Telehealth

Cone Health, GCS and GEA partnered to launch 16 telehealth clinics in GCS schools over the last two years. The goal is to have telehealth in all 51 GCS Title 1 elementary schools in the next three years.

GCS Construction

In total, it takes at least two years to build a school. Signs are placed outside of each construction site that note what stage the project is in at any given time. The five phases of construction are: Pre Design, Design, Bid, Construction, and Completion/Occupancy.

Accountability Report

GCS has four strategies to address learning loss: 1.) summer learning programs; 2.) tutoring; 3.) expanded school days; and 4.) learning hubs. Assessments show that these strategies are making a difference as GCS is no longer designated a low-performing district!

Minority and Women Business Enterprises (MWBE)

GCS students are primarily Students of Color – 42% Black, 29% White, 17% Hispanic, 7% Asian, and 5% two or more races. GCS is working hard to recruit contractors to build schools who reflect our community’s diverse demographics.

Peck Elementary

At the new school, K-8 students will learn by conducting “learning expeditions” that encourage them to work together across subjects and explore the world around them.

Claxton Elementary

With over 94K square feet, Claxton will have state-of-the-art technology, mobile furniture and indoor/outdoor classrooms that provide flexible learning spaces and increase energy efficiency.

Deferred Maintenece

Deferred maintenece building improvements include increasing fresh air flow, adding/updating camera security systems, adding security vestibules and installing outdoor classrooms.

Student Mental Health

It is critical to address mental health issues in childhood and adolescence because they are treatable, especially when detected early.

Learning Hubs & Tutoring

Guilford County Schools (GCS) has been nationally recognized for their innovative learning hubs, targeted tutoring and Fifth Quarter summer learning program.  These initiatives utilize unique community partnerships to address pandemic learning loss and have produced proven results.

GCS Academic Data

End-of-Grade testing. Proficiency. Graduation rates. Learn more about all of these topics and how Guilford County Schools measures student success.

GCS Initiatives

School-based telehealth. Increase access to mental health services. An Economics and Personal Finance course. Guilford County Schools, GEA and other community partners are collaborating to offer innovative programs to address barriers to student success.


A qualified, diverse pipeline of public educators is crucial for any thriving school district.  Learn more about some of the barriers facing our state as we seek to attract and retain the best educators.